import { merge, deleted } from "./merge";
const isArray = Array.isArray;
* @module SimpleSharedState
export class Store {
* @description Create a new store instance.
* @constructor
* @param {object} initialState - Any plain JS object (Arrays not allowed at the top level).
* @param {function} [actions] - A function, which takes a reference to `store`, and returns an object of
* actions for invoking changes to state.
* @param {function} [devtool] - Provide a reference to `window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__` to enable
* redux devtools.
constructor(initialState = {}, getActions, useDevtool) {
this.stateTree = Object.assign({}, initialState);
this.dispatching = false;
this.listeners = new Map();
this.snapshots = new Map();
this.dispatchListeners = new Set();
this.actions = {};
if (useDevtool && useDevtool.connect && typeof useDevtool.connect === "function") {
// this adapts SimpleSharedState to work with redux devtools
this.devtool = useDevtool.connect();
this.devtool.subscribe((message) => {
if (message.type === "DISPATCH" && message.payload.type === "JUMP_TO_STATE") {
if (getActions && typeof getActions === "function") {
const actions = getActions(this.getState.bind(this));
Object.keys(actions).forEach((actionName) => {
const actionType = this.devtool ? `${actionName}()` : "unknown";
this.actions[actionName] = (...args) => {
this.dispatchTyped(actionType, actions[actionName].apply(null, args));
_applyBranch(branch) {
this.dispatching = true;
merge(this.stateTree, branch);
this.listeners.forEach((handler, selector) => {
let change;
const snapshot = this.snapshots.get(selector);
const submit = (value) => {
this.snapshots.set(selector, value);
try {
// attempt selector only on the branch
change = selector(branch);
switch(change) {
case snapshot:
case deleted:
if (snapshot !== undefined) submit(undefined);
case undefined:
change = selector(this.stateTree);
// If ^this line throws, then **current state is also not applicable**,
// meaning something was deleted, so we should proceed to catch block.
// If `return` runs, then selector didn't throw, so exit early.
catch (_) {
try {
// If ^selector works on new state then exit early.
} catch (_) {}
// This test also covers the scenario where both are undefined.
if (change === snapshot) return;
if (isArray(change) && !change.isPartial) {
} else {
submit(merge(snapshot, change));
this.dispatchListeners.forEach((callback) => callback());
this.dispatching = false;
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#watch
* @param {function} selector - A pure function which takes state and returns a piece of that state.
* @param {function} handler - The listener which will receive the piece of state when changes occur.
* @param {boolean} [runNow=true] - Pass false to prevent `handler` from being called immediately
* after watch is called.
* @returns {function} Invoke this function to destroy the listener.
* @description Creates a state listener which is associated with the selector. Every selector must
* be globally unique, as they're stored internally in a Set. If `watch` receives a selector which
* has already been passed before, `watch` will throw. Refer to the tests for more examples. `watch`
* returns a function which, when called, removes the watcher / listener.
watch(selector, handler, runNow = true) {
if (typeof selector !== "function" || typeof handler !== "function") {
throw new Error("selector and handler must be functions");
if (this.listeners.has(selector)) {
throw new Error("Cannot reuse selector");
let snapshot;
try {
snapshot = selector(this.stateTree);
if (runNow) handler(snapshot);
} catch (_) {}
this.listeners.set(selector, handler);
this.snapshots.set(selector, snapshot);
return () => {
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#watchBatch
* @param {Array<function>|Set<function>} selectors - A Set or Array of selector functions. Refer to
* [Store#watch]{@link module:SimpleSharedState.Store#watch} for details about selector functions.
* @param {function} handler - The listener which will receive the Array of state snapshots.
* @returns {function} A callback that removes the dispatch watcher and cleans up after itself.
* @description Creates a dispatch listener from a list of selectors. Each selector yields a snapshot,
* which is stored in an array and updated whenever the state changes. When dispatch happens, your
* `handler` function will be called with the array of snapshots, ***if*** any snapshots have changed.
* @example
* import { Store, partialArray } from "simple-shared-state";
* const store = new Store({
* people: ["Alice", "Bob"],
* });
* const unwatch = store.watchBatch([
* (state) => state.people[0],
* (state) => state.people[1],
* ], (values) => console.log(values));
* store.dispatch({ people: partialArray(1, "John") });
* // [ 'Alice', 'John' ]
* store.dispatch({ people: [ "Janet", "Jake", "James" ] });
* // [ 'Janet', 'Jake' ]
* // notice "James" is not present, that's because of our selectors
* console.log(store.getState(s => s.people));
* // [ 'Janet', 'Jake', 'James' ]
* unwatch();
* store.dispatch({ people: [ "Justin", "Josh", store.deleted ] });
* // nothing happens, the watcher was removed
* console.log(store.getState(s => s.people));
* // [ 'Justin', 'Josh', <1 empty item> ]
watchBatch(selectors, handler) {
if (!selectors || typeof selectors.forEach !== "function") {
throw new Error("selectors must be a list of functions");
if (typeof handler !== "function") throw new Error("handler is not a function");
const snapshotsArray = [];
let i = 0;
let changed = false;
selectors.forEach((fn) => {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
selectors.forEach((fn) => this.listeners.delete(fn));
throw new Error("selector must be a function");
let pos = i++; // pos = 0, i += 1
try {
snapshotsArray[pos] = fn(this.stateTree);
} catch (_) {
snapshotsArray[pos] = undefined;
}, (snapshot) => {
snapshotsArray[pos] = snapshot;
changed = true;
}, false);
const watchHandler = () => {
if (changed) {
changed = false;
return () => {
selectors.forEach((fn) => this.listeners.delete(fn));
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#watchDispatch
* @description Listen for the after-dispatch event, which gets called with no arguments after every
* dispatch completes. Dispatch is complete after all watchers have been called.
* @param {function} handler - A callback function.
watchDispatch(handler) {
if (typeof handler !== "function") throw new Error("handler must be a function");
return () => this.dispatchListeners.delete(handler);
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#getState
* @param {function} [selector] - Optional but recommended function which returns a piece of the state.
* Error handling not required, your selector will run inside a `try{} catch{}` block.
* @returns {*} A shallow copy of the state tree, or a copy of the piece returned from the selector,
* or undefined if the selector fails.
getState(selector) {
if (selector && typeof selector === "function") {
let piece;
try {
piece = copy(selector(this.stateTree));
} catch (_) {}
return piece;
return Object.assign({}, this.stateTree);
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#dispatchTyped
* @param {string} actionName - This is only for the benefit of providing a label in redux devtools.
* @param {object|function} branch - A JavaScript object, or a function which takes state and returns a
* JavaScript object. The object may contain any Array or JS primitive, but must be a plain JS object
* at the top level, otherwise dispatch will throw.
* @description Please use [action creators]{@link module:SimpleSharedState#Store} instead of calling
* dispatchTyped directly.
dispatchTyped(actionName = "unknown", branch) {
if (this.dispatching) throw new Error("can't dispatch while dispatching");
if (!branch) throw new Error("can't dispatch invalid branch");
if (typeof branch === "function") {
branch = branch(this.getState());
if (typeof branch !== "object") {
throw new Error("dispatch got invalid branch");
if (this.devtool) this.devtool.send(actionName, this.getState());
* @method module:SimpleSharedState.Store#dispatch
* @param {object|function} branch - A JavaScript object, or a function which takes state and returns a
* JavaScript object. The object may contain any Array or JS primitive, but must be a plain JS object
* at the top level, otherwise dispatch will throw.
* @description Please use [action creators]{@link module:SimpleSharedState#Store} instead of calling
* dispatch directly.
* @example
* import { Store } from "simple-shared-state";
* // Create a store with state:
* const store = new Store({
* email: "[email protected]",
* counters: {
* likes: 1,
* },
* todoList: [
* { label: "buy oat milk" },
* { label: "buy cat food" },
* ],
* });
* // To change email, call dispatch with a branch. The branch you provide must include the full path
* // from the root of the state, to the value you want to change.
* store.dispatch({
* email: "[email protected]",
* });
* // To increment likes:
* store.dispatch((state) => ({
* counters: {
* likes: state.counters.likes + 1,
* },
* }));
* // To delete any piece of state, use a reference to `store.deleted` as the value in the branch.
* // To remove `counters` from the state entirely:
* store.dispatch({
* counters: store.deleted,
* });
* // To update items in arrays, you can use `partialArray`:
* store.dispatch({
* todoList: partialArray(1, {
* label: "buy oat milk (because it requires 80 times less water than almond milk)",
* }),
* });
dispatch(branch) {
this.dispatchTyped("unknown", branch);
function copy(thing) {
return !thing || typeof thing !== "object" ? thing : Object.assign(isArray(thing) ? [] : {}, thing);